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Establishments Code (All Public Officers Should Aware about this)

Establishments Code (All Public Officers Should Aware about this)

“The Establishments Code consists of two volumes. The first volume contains chapters from I to XXXIII and Chapter XXXVI whilst the second volume contains Chapter XLVII and XLVIII.

The first volume of the Establishments Code has been issued for the first time in 1972 as a complete volume to be effective from 01.01.1972. Its first edition and the edition effective at present have been issued on 01.09.1985 and 08.07.2013 respectively.

The second volume of the Establishments Code has been issued for the first time in 1974 as a complete volume. Its first edition and the edition effective at present have been issued on 08.04.1981 and 02.08.1999 respectively.

The Establishments Code is issued by the Secretary of the Ministry in Charge of the subject of Public Administration on the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers and revision of the provisions of Establishments Code is made by Public Administration circulars issued by the Secretary of the Ministry in Charge of the subject of Public Administration on the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers.”

“ආයතන සංග්‍රහය කාණ්ඩ 02කි. පළමු කාණ්ඩය I සිට XXXIII දක්වා හා XXXVI යන පරිච්ඡේදවලින් ද, දෙවන කාණ්ඩය XLVII හා XLVIII යන පරිච්ඡේදවලින් ද සමන්විත වේ.

ආයතන සංග්‍රහයේ පළමු කාණ්ඩය 1972.01.01 දින සිට ක්‍රියාත්මක වන පරිදි 1972 වර්ෂයේ දී මුල්වරට සංගෘහිත ග්‍රන්ථයක් ලෙස නිකුත් කර ඇති අතර, එහි පළමු සංශෝධනය 1985.09.01 දිනැතිවත්, දැනට බලාත්මක සංශෝධනය 2013.07.08 දිනැතිවත් නිකුත් කර ඇත.

ආයතන සංග්‍රහයේ දෙවන කාණ්ඩය 1974 වර්ෂයේ දී මුල්වරට සංගෘහිත ග්‍රන්ථයක් ලෙස නිකුත් කර ඇති අතර, එහි පළමු සංශෝධනය 1981.04.08 දිනැතිවත්, දැනට බලාත්මක සංශෝධනය 1999.08.02 දිනැතිවත් නිකුත් කර ඇත.

ආයතන සංග්‍රහය අමාත්‍ය මණ්ඩල අනුමතිය මත රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන විෂය භාර අමාත්‍යාංශයේ ලේකම් විසින් නිකුත් කරනු ලබන අතර එහි සඳහන් විධිවිධාන සංශෝධනය කිරීම අමාත්‍ය මණ්ඩලයේ අනුමතිය මත රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන විෂය භාර අමාත්‍යාංශයේ ලේකම් විසින් නිකුත් කරනු ලබන රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන චක්‍රලේඛ මඟින් සිදු කරනු ලැබේ.”

“தாபன விதிக்கோவை 02 பாகங்களைக் கொண்டது. முதலாம் பாகம் I முதல் XXXIII வரையான மற்றும் XXXVI ஆம் அத்தியாயங்களையும் உள்ளடக்கியுள்ள அதேவேவைள இரண்டாம் பாகம் XLVII, XLVIII ஆகிய அத்தியாயங்களையும் உள்ளக்கியுள்ளது.

தாபன விதிக்கோவையின் முதலாம் பாகம் 1972.01.01 ஆந் திகதி முதல் நடைமுறைக்கு வரும் வகையில் 1972 ஆம் ஆண்டில் முதற்தடவையாக முழுயான ஒரு நூலாக வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளதுடன் அதன் முதலாவது திருத்தம் 1985.09.01 ஆந் திகதியுடனும் தற்போது நடைமுறையிலுள்ள திருத்தம் 2013.07.08 ஆந் திகதியுடனும் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.

தாபன விதிக்கோவையின் இரண்டாம் பாகம் 1974 ஆம் ஆண்டில் முதற் தடவையாக முழுமையான நூல் வெளியிடப்பட்டதுடன், அதன் முதலாவது திருத்தம் 1981.04.08 திகதியைக் கொண்டதாகவும், தற்போது நடைமுறையிலுள்ள திருத்தம் 1999.08.02 ஆந் திகதியும் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.

தாப விதிக்கோவை அமைச்சரவையின் அங்கீகாரத்தின் அடிப்படையில் பொது நிருவாக விடயத்துக்குப் பொறுப்பான அமைச்சின் செயலாளரினால் வெளியிடப்படுவதுடன் அதன் ஏற்பாடுகளுக்கான திருத்தங்கள், அமைச்சரவையின் அங்கீகாரத்தின் அடிப்படையில் பொது நிருவாக விடயத்துக்குப் பொறுப்பான அமைச்சின் செயலாளரினால் வெளியிடப்படும் பொது நிருவாகச் சுற்றறிக்கை மூலம் மேற்கொள்ளப்படும்.”

Click Below for Establishment Code (With All Amendments)

ආයතන සංග්‍රහය , தாபன விதிக்கோவை, Establishments Code, Public Officers,ආයතන සංග්‍රහය , தாபன விதிக்கோவை, Establishments Code, Public Officers,ආයතන සංග්‍රහය , தாபன விதிக்கோவை, Establishments Code, Public Officers




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